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国外毕业证 2023-12-29 11:24:05 0




  • 学校名称:科隆大学,德文名:Universität zu Köln
  • 简 称:University of Cologne (UoC)
  • 创办时间:1388年,距今已有600多年的历史,只比第一所德国大学海德堡大学年轻两岁。
  • 学校性质:综合文理大学
  • 历史沿革:1798年,科隆大学被法国人占领关闭,被改为一所中学,直到1919年,科隆市政府在一所商业学院的基础上重建了科隆大学,并增加了医学系、法学和哲学系。如今的科隆大学是一所综合性大学,最著名的专业是经济学和法学,另外,在生命科学、传媒学、天体物理学、教育方面等的建树也颇高。2012年,凭借卓越的实力,科隆大学以“迎接变化和复杂性挑战”的未来战略入选十一所德国精英大学之一。同时,科隆大学也是德国顶尖大学联盟U15大学联盟成员。2017年,科隆大学成为欧洲最古老及最富有声望大学联盟科英布拉集团的第39位成员。
  • 地理位置:科隆大学坐落于德国第四大城市科隆,位于莱茵河西岸。科隆地处欧洲交通网络的中心地带,文化古迹众多,风景优美,其中最著名的是科隆大教堂,德国谚语中有“没到过科隆即没到过德国”的说法。科隆大学依托于科隆这座城市,对学生们有很强的吸引力。
  • 学校排名:根据2021年QS世界大学排名,科隆大学位居德国排名第16名,世界排名的第282名;根据2020年ARWU世界大学排名,科隆大学位居德国排名第8名,世界排名的第151-200名;
  • 院系设置:值得一提的是,科隆大学没有工科专业,是一所典型的非工科大学,其强势专业是BWL(企业经济学)和VWL(国民经济学)。科隆大学的经济学相关的几个专业在德国经济周刊中位列前五名,是非常热门的专业。
  • 学校成就:自建校以来,科隆大学为德国乃至世界培养了一大批人才。科隆大学有4位诺贝尔奖得主、11位莱布尼茨奖得主,2012年凭借实力入选德国精英大学,成为德国精英大学之一。
  • 申请情况:如果你对申请科隆大学感兴趣的话,一定要注意看清每个专业的申请要求,因为有些专业同时要求网申和UA申请,且不同专业申请界面不一样。除此之外,科隆大学的申请要求都非常明确,但是要注意NC专业的要求是最低标准,大家申请时要高于官网显示的要求才行。
  • 英语授课专业:

Today, we will introduce the University of Cologne in Germany in this article.

University Name: University of Cologne, German name: Universit ä t Zu K ö LN

Abbreviation: University of Cologne (UOC)

Founded in 1388, it has a history of more than 600 years, only two years younger than the first German university Heidelberg University.

School nature: Comprehensive University of Arts and Sciences

Historical evolution: in 1798, the University of Cologne was occupied and closed by the French and changed into a middle school. Until 1919, the Cologne municipal government rebuilt the University of Cologne on the basis of a business college and added the departments of medicine, law and philosophy. Today's University of Cologne is a comprehensive university. Its most famous majors are economics and law. In addition, it has made great achievements in life science, media science, astrophysics and education. In 2012, with its outstanding strength, Cologne University was selected as one of the 11 elite universities in Germany with the future strategy of "meeting the challenges of change and complexity". At the same time, Cologne University is also a member of the U15 University Alliance of Germany's top universities. In 2017, the University of Cologne became the 39th member of the Coimbra group, the oldest and most prestigious University Union in Europe.

Location: Cologne University is located in Cologne, the fourth largest city in Germany, on the West Bank of the Rhine River. Cologne is located in the center of the European transportation network, with many cultural relics and beautiful scenery. Among them, the most famous is the Cologne Cathedral. In the German proverb, there is a saying that "if you haven't been to Cologne, you haven't been to Germany". Relying on the city of Cologne, Cologne University has a strong attraction to students.

University Ranking: according to the QS World University Ranking in 2021, Cologne University ranks 16th in Germany and 282nd in the world; According to the ARWU world university ranking in 2020, Cologne University ranks 8th in Germany and 151-200 in the world;

Department setting: it is worth mentioning that Cologne University is a typical non engineering university without engineering majors. Its strong majors are BWL (Enterprise Economics) and VWL (National Economics). The economics related majors of the University of Cologne ranked among the top five in the German economic weekly and are very popular majors.

Achievements: since its establishment, Cologne University has trained a large number of talents for Germany and even the world. Cologne University has 4 Nobel Prize winners and 11 Leibniz prize winners. In 2012, it was selected as one of the German elite universities by virtue of its strength.

Application status: if you are interested in applying to the University of Cologne, you must pay attention to the application requirements of each major, because some majors require online application and UA application at the same time, and the application interfaces of different majors are different. In addition, the application requirements of Cologne University are very clear, but it should be noted that the requirements of NC major are the minimum standards. When applying, you should be higher than the requirements displayed on the official website.

Major in English:

The University of Cologne provides applicants with some master's majors taught in English, as follows:


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